Based on the interviews, I identfied two main personas. My main target audience are regular transit users. I used these personas to investigate possible frustrations with existing workflows and to create designs that would address these pain points.
Information Architecture
Based on my personas, I mapped out my information architecture. The flowchart follows a hierarchical structure that highlights the two main functions of the app; the trip planning function and the PRESTO card account where transit fares are managed.

User Flows
Based on my persona's needs, I created a user flow that highlights their main needs while using the app. The first task involves checking your balance on your PRESTO account, then buying a transit fare. The second task involves planning a trip.
User Test Findings
After conducting user tests on my prototype, I discovered some areas that needed improvement. I went through multiple reiterations, especially with the home screen before settling on the right interface that allowed for easier navigation.

Live Tracking:
One of the main goals was to design an app that plans a trip with as little clicks as possible. Live tracking also keeps the user informed and up to date in case of any changes or delays in a their route.

Disruption notifications
In case of a delay, commuters get prompted with a warning message. In this case, alternative routes are provided, with the option of launching third party apps such as Uber or Bikeshare.
Manage Transit account
One of the main frustrations discovered during the research process was that customers did not feel like they had control over their Presto account. This problem was addressed by incorporating it into the app. Users are able to view their transaction history so they can keep track of spending and avoid being double charged. Also, users can purchase their ticket through their phone so they don't have to visit a transit station to do so.

Ticket on the go
Another issue that I wanted to address was the ability to keep track of when a user's transit fare expires. The user is able to access their fare on their phone easily and keep track of how much time is left on it. It can easily be scanned, and this also eliminates the possibility of losing a paper fare.
To view the prototype, please visit: